- Available categories
- Orientations
- Filter your options
- Upload your photo(s)
- Start Creating
Editing Options
- Adjust your photo - click on it allowing you to crop or rotate it
- Edit your photo go into ‘Advanced Editing’
- Change the text - by clicking on the text
- Add a picture box, or a text box
- Add effects or enhance your photo - by clicking on the photo
- Add embellishments by dragging them on to the page (edit, move, or change size)
- To add more pictures to your layout, you can drag and drop the layout onto your page from the top or sort by picture amounts along the side.
- Make sure to remember to edit page two
Checkout Options
- Option between a silk or matte paper type
- Ice Pearl finish (upgrade)
- Round corners (upgrade)
- Envelopes (additional cost)
If you would like to create your own card you can select the blank category and choose your options.
Store Closing Discount!
Shared Moments Closing December 15
After sharing millions of wonderful moments with all of you, our service will be shutting down December 15, 2023.
** Impotant! You will no longer be able to order products on sharedmoments.com after December 15. If you have any ongoing projects on SharedMoments, you will need to order your prints by that date! **
Orders placed up until December 15 will be completed. After that date new projects must be started on Pikto.com
Thanks for the memories!